3. Anik Singal

anik singal, successful affiliates, successful affiliate marketers

Anik Singal
—a very successful digital publishing marketer wanted to become a doctor, but he did not like studies. Anik was not liking his biology classes, hence he turned to the internet. He searched the internet with keywords like ‘make money on the internet’ and ‘make money online’, and he landed on an internet marketing forum where he found people who were making 6 figure income from home. Anik realized that people on that forum were good at something, thus Anik improved his skills.

Anik learned about how to write copies, SEO, forum marketing, how to do PPC, and how to create a website. Anik was good at tricking his professors for earning better grades; therefore, Anik thought to write an eBook on it. Anik wrote the eBook and launched it. Anik was unable to make sales from his eBook, because no one bought the eBook. Anik was unable to sell the eBook, because he hadn’t tested the market for it.

Anik did not give up on affiliate marketing after suffering his first loss. Today, Anik earns millions of dollars a year through his online publishing business. Anik says: “If you select a winning type of website, execute a solid traffic plan, and accelerate your conversion effectiveness, then you will get a lucrative return for it.”

Anik recommends three types of affiliate websites to affiliate marketers: (a) Opt-in Site (because it provides value to visitors), (b) Blog Site (because it attracts the myriad of visitors to a site), and (c) Review Site (because it helps visitors decide whether or not to buy a particular product)

Anik tells following things to affiliate marketers:
  • Always test the market to let the market tell you whether there is a need for your product in the market
  • Successful affiliates are networked and support when you launch a product
  • No competition is bad and great is spectacular

Which type of website will you like to have for your affiliate marketing business?
